If you choose to make payments on a monthly basis you have the following options:

a. Direct, monthly payment to the School’s secretaries in cash, by visa, online at JCC Smart or by cheque made payable to Grammar Junior School.

b. Directly depositing the money in the School’s bank account no. 116-01-619006-01 through any Hellenic Bank branch or by bank to bank transfer:
IBAN CY08 0050 0116 0001 1601 6190 0601

c. Via standing order from your bank (any bank).

d. For all the above, you must give the name and registration number of the student and inform the School secretaries which method you have selected.

Please note the following:
1. Tuition fee payments should be considered on the basis of Euro.
2. €260 includes Registration fee, First Aid Services, Insurance, PTA, Exercise Books, School magazine, School trips etc.
3. Transportation Fees €800 (yearly fee) – subject to change.
4. Tuition fees may be increased on an annual basis, as the financial conditions prescribe, from 0%-5%.