Successful Children, Successful Teaching!
At the Grammar Junior School teachers have clear goals for teaching and use the appropriate tools and resources to accelerate progress. Teachers meaningfully differentiate content and activities to ensure that all pupils are challenged and rewarded. Ambitious teaching builds an empowering culture and effective leadership skills in our pupils. Appropriately challenging goals lead to high expectations.
Our hard working and devoted educators show sensitivity and concern for their pupils. They get to know pupils as individuals and the focus is on continuous improvement and unfolding of every pupil’s potential.
Learner Outcomes and Experiences
Pupils enjoy their learning and are motivated to learn. Opportunities are provided for our pupils to grow as learners through engaging interactions and experiences. They become efficient and have a sense of accomplishment. The necessary skills and attitudes are developed through ambitious instruction and a supportive, safe environment. Pupils are encouraged to develop confidence and to make a difference in their interests, passions and aspirations.
Engage, Enhance and Extend
Through the use of technology, the learner drives his or her own learning and develops the skills to select and use the appropriate resources. Pupils are motivated and develop an understanding that could not have been accomplished without these tools. Technology brings learning outside the classroom walls and into pupils’ everyday lives where they can continue to grow after they leave school.
Pupils are empowered to collaborate within the school and globally. This is made possible through “Skype in the Classroom” which includes virtual lessons with experts and scientists from around the world. “Mystery Skype” lessons connect us with children in every corner of the globe!
Continuous Improvement
We aim to provide adaptability and allow for creativity. Through collaboration and teamwork, creativity and imagination, critical thinking and problem-solving pupils are empowered to become global citizens prepared for a future in which they will not only lead but be a part of a responsible and caring society.